Jacket by Maria Kobrock, trousers by K-L-A-R and shoes by OLI13. Jacket by Cristina Real, Trousers by K-L-A-R and shoes by OLI13.

T-Shirt Stylist own, scarf by Susana Bettencourt, skirt by K-L-A- R, Arm-piece by Maria Kobrock and shoes by OLI13.

Jacket by Daniela Barros, Scarf by Susana Bettencourt, Trousers by Ines Marques and shoes by OLI13.Jacket by Cristina Real.

Bomber by K-L-A-R, trousers by Daniela Barros, shoes by OLI13 . Jacket and trousers by Estelita Mendonça

Jacket and trousers by Estelita Mendonça. Jacket by Cristina Real, scarf by Carla Pontes, trousers by Ines Marques and shoes by OLI13 . Jacket and trousers by Estelita Mendonça.

T-Shirt Stylist own, scarf by Susana Bettencourt, skirt by K-L-A- R, Arm-piece by Maria Kobrock and shoes by OLI13.
Photography by Nuno Vieira, fashion by Bernardo Cunha and modeling by Teresa Sousa and Nuno Maio.