Catsuit by Jennifer Milleder, jacket by Veronika Breit Couture, pearls photographer’s own, shoes vintage, rhinestones by Swarovski . Blazer by Veronika Breit Couture, blouse vintage, jumpsuit by Humama Austria, belt by Veronika Breit Couture.Vest and trouser by Jennifer Milleder, blouse stylists own, shoes vintage. Crown by Veronika Breit Couture, blouse by Jennifer Milleder, vest by Jennifer Milleder, trousers stylist’s own.Dress by Jennifer Milleder, choker, blouse and muff stylist’s own. Blazer and blouse vintage, skirt by Humana Austria, hat stylist’s own, shoes model’s own. Photography by Anna Breit, fashion by Vanja Jovanovic, hair and make up by Sarah Bzoch, modeling by Julia, Jiji, Jona, Iris, Theo and Whitney.