Dress by Pomandère, hat vintage A.N.G.E.L.O. boots by Loriblu. Total look by Calvin Klein, prisma armchair by Augusto Betti, 1971 – courtesy of Paradiso Terrestre.

Total look by Ferragamo. Total look by Krizia, belt used as skirt vintage A.N.G.E.L.O. boots by Loriblu.

Total look by Calvin Klein. Total look by N°21, glasses vintage A.N.G.E.L.O. Photography by Giovanni Gori and Andrea Aldrovandi, fashion by Stefano Guerrini, hair by Daniel Manzini, make up by Kim Gutierrez, casting by Laura Stella Motta, modeling by Karina Kotlyar@The Lab Models, stylist Assistance by Lorenzo Iacobone.