Hat by Amelia’ By Kreisi Couture, coat by Department Five, dress by Chiara Luppi, dress with appique by Valentina L. Fontana, socks by Bresciani and shoes by Tipe E Tacchi Special. Maglione by Eros Tolentino , skirt by Pierantonio Gaspari and shoes by Drome.

Hat by Kreisi Couture, shirt by Valentina L. Fontana, leather bra by Absidem, skirt by Moqette, shoes by abio Rusconi and fur by Bruno Carlo. Earring by Rosantica Jewerly, shirt by Chiara Luppi , kimono by Midori, bag by Les Petits Joueurs, pants by Pierantonio Gaspari and shoes by Elena Iachi.

Hat by Kate Duchesse by Kreisi Couture, necklace by Rosantica Jewerly, kimono by Midori, dress by Valentina L. Fontana, gloves by Elena Savo and shoes by Tipe E Tacchi Special. Hat by Kreisi Couture, coat and skirt by Drome and shoes by Clone.

Hat by Kreisi Couture, earrings by Rosantica Jewerly, top by Calcaterra and dress by Eros Tolentino. Shirt by Eros Tolentino, coat by Jacchette, pants by Drome, gloves by Elena Savo and shoes by Elena Iachi.

Total Look by Fatima Ropero and shoes by Fabio Rusconi. Earring by Rosantica Jewlery, twinset by Ottod’ame, bag by Les Petits Joueurs and shoes by Fabio Rusconi. Photography by Silvia Poropat, fashion by Marty Pelli and grooming by Selene Gegen.