Combisuit by Xuly. Bët, coat by Vinti Andrews and heels by vintage Yves Saint Laurent. Long dress by Xuly. Bët, necklace by vintage Christian Lacroix from Bodements and earrings vintage from Bodements.

Dress by Xuly. Bët, necklace by vintage Christian Lacroix from Bodements, earrings by vintage from Bodements and heels by Office. Suits by Xuly. Bët and sneakers by Nike.

Combi suit by Xuly. Bët and trench coat by Vinti Andrews. Blouse by Truongii, skirt by Truongii and boots by Zara.

Shirt and top by Xuly. Bët, pants by I.B and necklaces stylist’s own. Jacket by Xuly. Bët and shirt by Wiboe Projects. Photography by Sahil Behal, fashion by Estelle Rosenthal and modeling by Sofiane Belabbaci and Faniang Diaw@theclawmodels.