Full outfit by Phoebe English, turtleneck by Esau Yori, boots by Redwing, coat by Steven Tai, scarf by Xiao Li, trousers by Paul & Joe and boots by Redwing.

Coat by Paul & Joe and jumper by Beyond Retro.

Top and trousers by Phoebe English, turtle neck by Esau Yori and boots by Redwing.

Dress by Beyond Retro, jumper by Xiao Li, shoes by Rue St and tights stylist´s own. Jumper by Paul & Joe and turtle neck worn underneath by Esau Yori.

Coat by Steven Tai, trousers by Paul & Joe, boots by Redwing, jumper by Milo Maria, skirt by Steven Tai and shoes by Toga.

Coat by Paul & Joe, jumper by Beyond Retro, jumper by Paul & Joe, turtle neck worn underneath by Esau Yori.

Coat by Paul & Joe, jumper by Beyond Retro, tights stylist´s own and boots by Toga.

Coat by Steven Tai, scarf by Xiao Li, full look by Phoebe English, turtle neck worn underneath by Esau Yori.

Trousers by Xiao Li and boots by Redwing.

Jumper by Milo Maria, skirt by Steven Tai, shoes by Toga, tights stylist´s own, coat by Steven Tai, scarf by Xiao Li, trousers by Paul & Joe, boots by Redwing, full look by Phoebe English, turtle neck worn underneath by Esau Yori and boots by Redwing.

Coat by Paul & Joe, jumper by Beyond Retro, boots by Toga and tights stylist´s own. Jumper by Milo Maria and skirt by Steven Tai. Photography by Asia Werbel, fashion by Joanna Valmai Wills, make up by Louisa Menin and modeling by Anna@TheHive, Ania and Monica@BodyLondon. Creative info: Asia Werbel.