Earrings by Rokus, jumpsuit by Milo Maria, gloves by CAR|2IE and boots by Miista. Earrings by Pebble, dress by Beyond Retro, top by Isabella Kowalski and boots by Miista.

Earrings by Rokus, jumpsuit by Milo Maria, gloves by CAR|2IE and boots by Miista. Earrings by Feihefeihefeihe, top by Edition and trousers by Zsa Zsa Maria.

Earrings by Pebble, shirt by Milo Maria and corset by Aleksandra Seweryniak. Earrings by Rokus, jumpsuit by Milo Maria, gloves by CAR|2IE and boots by Miista.

Earrings by Pebble, shirt by Milo Maria, corset by Aleksandra Seweryniak, trousers by Fun Affair and boots by Miista. Earrings by Rokus, top by Isabella Kowalski, dress by Mankhaseo, ring by Pebble and shoes by Miista. Photography by Valerie Yuwen Hsieh, fashion by Amy Simmons, makeup by Melanie Christou, hair by Tetsuya Kaneko and modeling by Alice Redgewell@ Models1. Creative info: Valerie Yuwen Hsieh, Amy Simmons, Melanie Christou and Tetsuya Kaneko.