Shirt by Louis Appelmans, pants by Mathilde Van Rossom and boots by Clemence Gautier. Collar Rayana Boulila, tank top Louis Appelmans and flower setting by Daemee Van der Haegen.

Dress Rayana Boulila.

Total look by Clemence Gautier. Flower setting by Daemee Vander Haegen.

Pants by Louis Appelmans, plexiglass and latex top stylist’s own. White shirt by Louis Appelmans, pants by Clemence Gautier and shoes stylist’s own.

Dress and shirt by Clemence Gautier, sun glasses by Mathieu Goosse, flower setting by Daemee Vander Haegen. Sunglasses by Mathieu Goosse and dress by Clemence Gautier.

Cape by Samuel Quertinmont and boots stylist’s own. Flower setting by Daemee Vander Haegen. Photography by Kris De Smedt, fashion by Jennifer Defays, makeup and hair by Charly M@Dominique Models/touch and modeling by Josepha Kinsella@Unit Modelmanagement. Creative info: Kris De Smedt, Jennifer Defays, Charly M, Josepha Kinsella.