Fashion Story: Too Deep

Long-sleeve dress and shoes by Sorryiamnot, dress by Daniil Antsiferov. Vneck by Sorryiamnot and dress by Ester Abner.

Tank and blouse by Medea Maris, long blouse by Sol designers, shorts and shoes by Sorryiamnot, skirt by Daniil Antsiferov. Top by Ester Abner, pants and cape by Sorryiamnot, shoes by Pinko.

Skirt and blouse by Daniil Antsiferov, jacket by Sorryiamnot, shoes by Dirk Bikkenberg. Blouse by Daniil Antsiferov, dress by Sorryiamnot, skirt and shoes by Pinko.

Overall by Sorryiamnot, jacket by Daniil Antsiferov, belt by Daniil Antsiferov. Vneck by Sorryiamnot, dress by Ester Abner, pants by Pinko, shoes and belt stylist´s own. Photography by Evgeniy Kuznetsov, fashion by Nike Shabashova, makeup by Taisia Shuyskaya, production by 3S Production and modeling by Nastia@Nikmanagement, production by 3S Production. Creative info: Evgeniy Kuznetsov.