Fashion Story: Try To Explain

Shirt and trousers by Maria ke fisherman, gloves and earrings stylist´s own. T-shirt vintage.

T-shirt by Aguja de metal, dress by Habey club and corset stylist´s own.

Dress by Hosoi power, skirt vintage and earrings by Hosoi power. Glasses by Giant vintage.

T-shirt by COS, polo shirt vintage, jeans by Mané Mané and glasses by Giant vintage. Top by Euphemio Fernandez, skirt and pants by Habey club and gloves stylist´s own.

Dress by Kling and cap by Rastro treasures. Photography by Yis Kid, fashion by Isabel Greece, makeup by Alicia Prieto, fashion assistance by Neus Cantador and modeling by Cariatydes.