Fashion Story: und glüht mein kuss auf deinem mund
Dress by Sandro. Art, Axiomat by Florin Granwehr.
Art by Otto Müller. All clothes by Sandro. Art Heureka by Jean Tinguely.
Art by Herman Haller.
Art, Gottfried Keller by Otto Charles Bänninger. All clothes The Editor by Big Only Zürich.
Dress Nico Panda by Big Only Zürich. Axiomat by Florin Granwehr. Photography by
Angelika Annen
, fashion by
Amanda Samantha Brooke
, hair and makeup by
Julia Ritter
using Imago Skincare and Kevin Murphy. Modeling by Darya @Visage. Creative info:
Angelika Annen
Amanda Samantha Brooke
Julia Ritter
Kevin Murphy.