Jacket, body and shorts by Hovanskie, heels by Zara, scarf by Pavlov Posad manufacture, cap by Mitsubishi motors collection.

Dress by Inshade, cowl by Inshade and helmet by forgotmenot.archive. Suit by Hovanskie, helmet by C.P.Company Merino Wool Goggle and boots by Mango.

Dress by Hovanskie, hat by Inshade, pants by Inshade and boots by Asos. Dress by Inshade, cowl by Inshade, helmet by Forgetmenot .archive, belt by Inshade and boots by Mango.

Jacket by Uniqlo & J.W.Anderson, vest by Hovanskie, pants by Uniqlo, heels by Zara and scarf model`s own.

Photography by Anastacia Belyaeva, fashion by Marina Ulyanova, makeup by Anastasia Bezhan, set design by Julia Salnikova and modeling by Nastya.