Fashion Story: Bloomsbury Girl
Photography by Scott Salinger, fashion and make up by Oscar Visitacion.
Fashion Story: Blue in Green
Photography by Nao Fukui and fashion by AYAKA.
Fashion Story: Small Town
Photography by Cristiano Pedrocco, fashion by Arianna Zanetti and Lorenzo Bondani.
Fashion Story: Postcards
Photography by Carmen Ordóñez and fashion by Carolina di Leo.
Fashion Story: La femme du fermier
Photography by Michaela Wissing and fashion by Stephy Roca Salo.
Fashion Story: Further Notice
Photography and fashion by Valeria Chrampani, modeling by Peggy Theodorogianni.
Fashion Story: Andrés
Photography by Karla Read and fashion by Acuarela Beard.
Fashion Story: Narcissus
Photography by Colette Slater Barrass and fashion by Claire Louise.
Fashion Story: L´heure en Surbrillance
Photography by Tino Constantino, Art Direction and fashion by Gumidafe Gutiér.
Fashion Story: Memories
Photography by Eleonora Vergnano and fashion by Alexandra Ciubotaru.