Fashion Story: Hôtel de L’Espérance
Photography by Mariette Garault and fashion by French Fripes.
Fashion Story: Together
Photography by Léo Tornev and fashion by Ann Laroque.
Fashion Story: Outlandish
Photography by Donna McGowan and fashion by Amanda Blackwood.
Fashion Story: A Place Called Home
Photography by Santiago Mendez and fashion by Catalina Quintana.
Fashion Story: A Walk In The Rain
Photography by Weic Lin and fashion by Xuan.
Fashion Story: Perspective
Photography by Christine Lutz and fashion by Julia Neubauer.
Fashion Story: A Bygone Era
Photography by Christoph Langenberg and fashion by Elizabeth Bernet.
Fashion Story: On the Land
Photography by Sebastian Pielles and fashion by Olivier Mohrińge.
Fashion Story: Flower
Photography by Kyungyoon Ryu and fashion by Pillsung Lee.
Fashion Story: Dystonia
Photography by Pasquale Autorino and fashion by Lorenzo Garzelli.