Peter Morén, Bjorn Yttling and John Eriksson reached international success in 2006 with the album Writer’s Block and single “Young Folks”. The band released their latest album Living Thing in March 2009 and spent their summer touring with Depeche Mode.
What have you been contributing to lately?
Peter: Jumping and dancing around on stages around the world with Peter, Björn and John, singing and playing on Tutanchamon’s debut album and on my up-coming second soloalbum and writing songs with The Cock ‘n’ bull Kid.
John: To the profit of the owner’s of the bar “Snotty’s” in Stockholm. Also I have been contributing to myself in the shape of 3 solo EPs on vinyl under the name of Hortlax Cobra.
What outfit best describes your current state?
Peter: Alan Bates’ farmer outfit in Joseph Losey’s “The Go-Between”. Slightly out of place among The Edwardian aristocracy.
John: A robe made out of leaves.
Food or fashion?
Peter: Food. I even prefer eating to music. Fashion has to be comfortable enough to make room for the good food.
John: I’m fanatic about finding the best possible food there is for every meal of the day. So, sometimes the fashion might suffer from that but I try to look ok everyday.
What is the worst job you ever had?
Peter: I’ve learnt something from all the bad jobs I’ve had. But some of the classes I had as a teacher were awful.
John: Playing jazz organ (It only happened once).
If you got into a time machine, to what place and period would you travel?
Peter: Right now I would say Europe in the 20s and 30s in between the wars with the Depression, the decadence… I would learn and live with all classes and political views. And understand why it all went wrong.
John: New Orleans, a month ago. I would re-live a day in my life but without the last 5 beers.