Long vest by Naim Josefi, transparant top by Plastic Fantastic, bra by Understatement Underwear, skirt by Chanel, rings left hand by Bottega Veneta, right hand by Bottega Veneta and Maria Nilsdotter, earring by Sara Robertsson, gloves by Stylist’s Studio and brosch by Chanel. Long sleeved blouse by Non Sense, trousers by Wilhja, lace bra by Stella McCartney Lingerie and belt by Day Birger et Mikkelsen.

Jacket by Naim Jose , top and skirt by Wilhja, long dress by Ida Sjöstedt, lace bra by Chantelle, boots by Chanel, socks by Mulberry, earring by Sara Robertsson, rings by Efva Attling and Cheap Monday, bracelet by Ebon Li. Jacket by Wilhja, dress by Mulberry, trousers and gloves by Emelie Janrell and rings by Bottega Veneta.

Plastic vest by Stylist´s Studio, dress by Marni, long sleeved dress by & Other Stories, gloves by Emelie Janrell, bag by Chanel, earrings by Mulberry and rings by Chanel. Jacket by Pellobello, shirt by Giorgi Rostiashvili, blouse by Chanel, plastic chaps by Mikaela Höök, leggings by Stylist’s Studio, boots by af Klingberg, necklace worn as headband by Chanel, tiara by Maria Nilsdotter and rings by Mulberry, Maria Nilsdotter and Bedazzled.

Dress by Emelie Janrell, blouse by Mulberry and coat by Johannes Adele. Jacket by Pellobello, shirt by Giorgi Rostiashvili, blouse by Chanel, plastic chaps by Mikaela Höök, leggings by Stylist’s Studio, boots by af Klingberg, necklace worn as headband by Chanel and tiara by Maria Nilsdotter.

Dress by Emelie Janrell, blouse by Mulberry, coat by Johannes Adele and shoes by ATP Atelier. Jacket by Pellobello, shirt by Giorgi Rostiashvili, blouse by Chanel, plastic chaps by Mikaela Höök, necklace worn as headband by Chanel and tiara by Maria Nilsdotter. Photography by Fredrik Altinell@New Blood Agency, fashion by Robert Rydberg@Link Details, makeup by Ignacio Alonso@Link Details, fashion assistance by Anna Sundelin, Martina Axtelius and Sandra Ekenstam, photography assistance by Claes Gyllensten and Dominic Hedgecock, casting by Mireille Staxberg@Link Details, set design by Viktor and Jakob Fjällström and modeling by Linn Arvidsson@Mikas. Creative info: Fredrik Altinell, Robert Rydberg and Ignacio Alonso.