Terms & Conditions:
All material on the site is the property of either Contributor or the individual artists who hold the exclusive rights to its use and distribution. Feel free to share their work, but always name the source and a link to their individual websites. For any commercial purpose, it is mandatory to contact the photographers or artists for permission.
Please also note that Contributor is a creative digital platform that shows creative images from photographers and other talents. Contributor do not own any rights to the photos, the photographer is the owner of the images. By submitting and getting published you agree to have your images published on http://contributormagazine.com. You also agree with our creative guidelines: 1: Everybody taking part of the fashion shoot has agreed to be published on http://contributormagazine.com. 2: All models are over 18 years old by the time of publishing. 3: Contributor Magazine has the right to publish the selection of images that the creative team thinks fits with the esthetics of Contributor Magazine.
Contributor® is a registered trademark and a nonprofit publication. All proceeds are reinvested in the website and magazine.