Fashion Story: The Dotted Line
Photography by Erica Fava and fashion by Francesca Matricciani.
Fashion Story: Lost and Found
Photography by Anastasia Muna and fashion by Stef Woods.
Fashion Story: A Dream in a Dream
Photography by An shaoda and fashion by Ruxsandra Virca.
Fashion Story: The Neutral
Photography by Amadeo Kulzer and fashion by Francisca Kübler.
Fashion Story: A Road Less Traveled
Photography by Ali Mitton and fashion by Leah Adicoff.
Fashion Story: Umbelliferous
Photography and fashion by Alexandra Sophie.
Fashion Story: What Happens Here
Photography by Alberto Saguar and fashion by Ángela Ibáñez.
Fashion Story: La Fleur
Photography by Pedro Muñoz and fashion by Carla Donoso.
Fashion Story: Random Boredom
Photography by Morgan Roudaut and fashion by Olivia Arnaud.
Fashion Story: La Mélancolie du Vagabond
Photography by Michael Rey Yanguas and fashion by Manuela Mezzetti.