Fashion Story: The waiting Game
Photography by Laura Jaraminaite, fashion and modeling by Monika Vaisova.
Fashion Story: Turn the Tide
Photography by Sumeet Ballal and fashion by Ojas Kolvankar.
Fashion Story: Unfinished Sympathy
Photography by Vaggelis Xafinis and fashion by Theopisti Pourliotopoulou.
Fashion Story: I`ll see you Again in 25 Years
Photography by Sergi Fuster and fashion by Chiara Legittimo.
Fashion Story: Down by the Empty Lot
Photography by Marc Ashish and fashion by Samantha Carlene Best.
Fashion Story: Bad Streets
Photography by Giuliana Lo Presti and fashion by Alice Giani.
Fashion Story: Poppy Red
Photography by Eleonora Vergnano and fashion by Alexandra Ciubotaru.
Fashion Story: Meta Video
Photography by David Newby and fashion by Nuria Gregory.
Fashion Story: Limbo
Photography and fashion by Cathy Du.
Fashion Story: Synthesis
Photography and fashion by Daniil K.