Fashion Story: Winter Wonderland
Photography and fashion by Alena Yarysh.
Fashion Story: Disorderly Space
Photography by Takahiro Michinaka and fashion by Yuki Tsuchida.
Fashion Story: Her own
Photography by Liza Kanaeva-Hunsicker and fashion by Gabriela Rosario.
Fashion Story: Two Faced
Photography by Hedda Rysstad.
Fashion Story: Tomorrow Land
Photography by Claire Zhao and fashion by Sarah Lee.
Fashion Story: Realisation
Photography by Sophie Arancio.
Fashion Story: Where we used to live
Photography by Ludvig Rönn and fashion by Hilda Sandström.
Fashion Story: To Build My Desert
Photography by Bogdan Shirokov and fashion by Eugenia Kashtan.
Fashion Story: Trust Everyone
Photography by Mike Ivnitsky and fashion by Sophia Lvovna.
Fashion Story: A Process Of Hearts
Photography by Sina Görtz and fashion by Hannah Godde.