Fashion Story: Moment’s Notice
Photography by Sam Ssefa and fashion by Mido.
Fashion Story: Electric
Photography by Joanna Mariak and fashion by Zuza Andruczyk.
Fashion Story: New Kid on the Block
Photography by Magda Madej and fashion by Ada Suska.
Fashion Story: Lemonade
Photography by Mare Kaczmarek and fashion by Ewa Michalik.
Fashion Story: In the Park
Photography by Dorian Ulises López Macías and fashion by Ricardo Arenas.
Fashion Story: Heartbeats
Photography by Olof Grind and fashion by Emma Thorstrand.
Fashion Story: An Autumn’s Dream
Photography by Alana Ocano and fashion by Eliza Georgieva.
Fashion Story: Triangle
Photography by Myrthe Giesbers and fashion by Ekaterina Razgonova.
Fashion Story: Unreal Reality
Photography by Mag.bn and fashion by Julia Dumana.
Fashion Story: Happiness Could Kill You
Photography by Li Yaopeng and fashion by Syan Leung.