Unexpected Combinations. Interview with Artist Brad Troemel
Brad Troemel is an artist, writer, and blogger. Together with Lauren Christiansen he started the Tumblr blog The Jogging in 2008, where contributors post manipulated photographs, collages, and memes, often creating unexpected connections between disparate phenomena, proposing conspiracy theories, and revealing the working mechanisms of the Internet. Interview by Stefanie Hessler
Curator’s Choice. Interview with Kaat Debo
Despite being public places entered by countless visitors each year, fashion museums still depend on the singular and creative vision of their appointed curator, who will bring refreshing innovation, as well as smart distinction, to the exhibition process. Having acted as the director of Antwerp’s prestigious ModeMuseum, also known as MoMu, for more than a decade now, Kaat Debo epitomizes the figure of the young and enlightened curator, putting together original and informative shows, which satisfy industry insiders as well as a larger audience. Interview by Philippe Pourhashemi
Fashion Anamnesis. Interview with Historian Olivier Saillard
Interview with historian Olivier Saillard Collecting fashion in museums is more than just gathering an assemblage of clothing into an archive. Political, class, gender, aesthetical and geographical impositions are behind each garment conserved in museums. But there is more. Not only garments but also many other materials and immaterial practices must be considered when we […]
Haute Culture or Eye-Pleaser. Essay by Maria Ben Saad
On fashion collections from the designer’s perspective in a time of transformation. What is our relationship towards collections in a time when the whole fashion system seems to be in transition, challenged by new marketing channels and a more consumer-oriented approach? Designers have started to question their conditions within a system where they are expected to produce an increasing number of collections each year. By Maria Ben Saad. Photography by Justin Aranha and and styling by Nariman J.
From our new issue : MØ
“If you’re honest you’ll never be trapped in a corner.” Speaking to pop star Karen Marie Ørsted, whose career has exploded following her debut album No Mytholo- gies to Follow, about the music industry, creativity, and collecting memories. Interview by Antonia Nessen. Photography by Magnus Magnusson and styling by Robert Rydberg.
Fashion Remains. Interview with Fashion Scholar Marco Pecorari
With invitations, catalogues and press releases, designers and fashion brands want to catch your attention for longer than a quick glance. Starting with print material from the early 80s and onwards, fashion scholar Marco Pecorari, has delved into this overlooked category of fashion objects for his doctoral dissertation entitled Fashion Remains: The Epistemic Potential of Fashion Ephemera. By Antonia Nessen
Creating New Systems. Interview with Curator Stefanie Hessler
Innovatively promoting the interaction between artists and audience, Stefanie Hessler is a dedicated curator involved in several interesting projects and the founder of the progressive art space Andquestionmark in Stockholm. We met with her to talk about the curating process, multisensory experiences, and the negotiation between “real” and virtual worlds. Interview by Antonia Nessen.
Ellis Island. Essay by Artist Stephen Wilkes
For two weeks after shooting the first group of pictures of Ellis I was obsessed. I couldn’t sleep; I couldn’t erase the buildings from my mind. So I went back, many times every chance I could. What began, as a one-hour editorial assignment became a five-year passion. In a place few were ever allowed to enter, I was blessed to study through every season. I photographed every corner, every crevice, in every imaginable light.
Signs Of Time. Essay on making Peace with Death in Fashion
Throughout history, fashion has been criticized for being superficial and out of touch with reality. As sociologist Yuniya Kawamura writes in her book Fashion-ology from 2005, fashion has been attacked by both scholars and feminists and didn’t become a legitimate research topic until recently (basically in the eighties, when fashion studies was established as an academic field). She quotes Sandra Niessen and Anne Brydon, who describe different historical attitudes towards fashion: “Social analyses uniformly condemned fashion. Feminists critiqued the sexual politics and gender oppression inhering in clothing which hobble and confine women. Marxists critiqued the fetishism of fashion and the ideology of conspicuous consumption. Psychologists treated fashion adherence as pathology.” By Maria Ben Saad
Do or die. Interview and Cover Story with Noomi Rapace
Read the interview for our anniversary issue with one of the actresses getting the most interesting parts in international movies right now. To no one’s surprise, as she’s become known for her hard work developing her characters. If the background story isn’t comprehensive enough, she’ll develop or create her own stories. The women she portrays can be fragile, broken and scarred, but when Noomi embodies them they are never reduced to victims. Photography by Camilla Akrans, fashion by editor-in-chief Robert Rydberg and interview by Antonia Nessen.