Waris Ahluwalia, Sean Lennon and Charlotte Kemp-Muhl
Table for Four. Interview with Waris Ahluwalia, Sean Lennon and Charlotte Kemp-Muhl. All captured by Sophie Caby.
Out Now! The First Print Issue of Contributor is here
Featuring cover star Eva Mendes, the first print issue of Contributor is here. Exploring fashion through art and photography, the theme running through this issue is Folklore. Editor and photographer Sophie Caby went to Puerto Rico to interview Benicio del Toro, Lindsay Lohan opened up her closet and we talked with Sean Lennon, Charlotte Kemp Muhl and Waris Ahluwalia about the future of creativity and met up with actress Paz de la Huerta. There’s fashion photography by Jason Kibbler, Camilla Akrans, Magnus Magnusson, Hasse Nielsen, Yu Tsai and many more. The issue also features the online hit What We’re Wearing Tomorrow and essays by Maria Ben Saad, Caroline Ringskog Ferrada-Noli and Daniel Bjork.
The Purple Pearl. Interview with Yuka Honda
Yuka Honda is a beautiful woman and a music genius. She lives in Manhattan, her work is melancholic and hopeless, yet optimistic and refreshing. She has collaborated with such artists as Sean Lennon, The Beastie boys, Michel Gondry, John Zorn or Dougie Bowne. Even though the list easily gets endless, she found the time in 1994 to form Cibo Matto. Honda is the kind of creature that deeply influences humans and elevates people to the highest state. She whispers wisdom and insinuates strength in the most relevant manner. She has an uncanny way of understanding people’s dreams. She is hypnotizing. Her smell is like lavender after a silly rain and her movements are lunar and childish. Her penetrating gaze could seem malicious, was it not so disarming and all the while dressing in purple like a velvet rainbow. Sophie Caby went deep under cover, in order to bring us the details, she lived with Yuka Honda for a year.
Charlotte’s Magic. Interview with Charlotte Kemp-Muhl
Sophie Caby catches up with beautiful musician, top model and fashion muse Charlotte Kemp Muhl. Together with her boyfriend Sean Lennon she is the founder of the New York band Ghost Of A Saber Toothed Tiger and the record label Chimera music. Charlotte is the kind of talented girl that happens once every 10 years and who opens her heart as sincerely as she opens her blouse. By Sophie Caby
The Owl in the City by Sophie Caby
Sophie Caby has a big tendency to see animals in friends faces and attitudes. As for Sean Lennon, She clearly sees an owl appearing in his everyday life. While naively playing with scissor, paper and glue, she found herself disposing Sean and his alter ego in the sky flying over New York. He’s the one who made her discover the insomniac city. Photography and artwork by Sophie Caby
Yoko, Sean & Sea Urchins
Editor Sophie Caby is having lunch with Sean Ono Lennon and his mother Yoko Ono. The place is an unforgettable Japanese restaurant in Manhattan, but unfortunately the name and the location remain forgotten. She finally discovered the ecstatic instant when the tongue is mixed with fresh eel sashimi. And for the first time tasted sea urchin under the eyes of a benevolent Sean and a gracious Yoko.
New York band GOASTT performing in Paris
Editor Sophie Caby portrays the New York band Ghost Of A Saber Toothed Tiger with Sean Lennon and Charlotte Kemp Muhl, in concert and backstage at Le Point Ephemere.